Oct 28,2016 6:37pm

I have tried to do a blog on my weight loss journey but it isn’t working out the way I wanted it to be and that is ok.

What I want to do is put my mind back on Christ not thinking as much about my body, as I have been focusing on that too much.

Yesterday oct 28th wasn’t a good day for me,I didn’t want to go to spin class but I did end up going and I am glad that I did. After the class I had a great talk with “New Sister in Christ”, what was shared I can’t be told but last say it has put my mind on HIM and where I am (sitting on fence).

For my weight loss, I am still doing that but in a different way than I have before.

I read a book/Bible this passage Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good Courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you where ever you go.”


I as this If God Shows us the way to success then why hasn’t He done that for me?

Could it because I’ve stopped reading my bible?Praying,and now and then attending church? If I have still meditated day and night reading his word etc…Would I be where I am now?

My Prayer:


Help me to get off the fence and to walk the path you want me to go. I am not sure what I should be doing and help me find the words to say when I am praying. Lord how am I going to do this when I struggle with what I lesson to or read. Help me to focus on your words and help me to have a clear mind. This I pray Amen!


4 thoughts on “Oct 28,2016 6:37pm

      1. Yes it’s just the lies of the enemy I learned God is already there you just have to find him literally how the scripture says seek and you shall find , you will find him he’s already found you he’s just waiting on you to see how much you really want him for me it took complete isolation from distractions , really thoughtful conversations / prayers i tell the Lord everything even if you are lost for words ask him why you are lost for words and get him involved with your daily life ! Worship , the word , thanksgiving are your tools. And you can always talk to God in your mind too he responds just don’t give up


  1. I’m not an expert but I have had these same thoughts and one thing I learned from it all is that God is there
    and he lovesssssssss you , but without faith that he loves you it’s impossible to receive his love I believe in you because it’s already in our hearts to serve the Lord and what a blessing you took heed to that feeling inside of you! I defin can point you in the right direction if u ever need help u can email me 😊 God Bless You


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